Guide for Authors

  • Information For contributors:

All manuscripts are reviewed by experts of the editorial board and are judged on the basis of original data and interpretation. Acceptance will depend on scientific merits and suitability for The Journal. All manuscripts must be submitted solely and must not have been submitted or published in any part or form in another publication.

We are committed to publishing quality articles and request authors to submit articles that fit into one of the following categories, based on the subject category of the journal: biology, botany, climatology, geography, geology, oceanography, and zoology etc.

  1. Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be prepared using a word processing program, saved as .doc files, and typed, double-spaced. Pages should be arranged and numbered consecutively in the following order:

I. Title Page:

It should contain the title of the article, then, list each author's first name, middle initial, surname, affiliation, unabbreviated address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail. Include a superscript number after an author's name to indicate a different address in a footnote. In multi-authored works, include another footnote superscript number to indicate the author for correspondence and reprint requests.

II. Abstract: 

  1. The abstract is a single concise paragraph (no more than 200 words) that includes the paper's content, methods, and significance.
  2. Do not include taxonomic authorities. References acronyms and complex abbreviations should be avoided.
  3. The abstract is followed by no less than 5 "keywords" in alphabetical order, provided by the author.

III. Text: 

  1. Main headings are “INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and REFERENCES” in all capital letters and centered.
  2. Second-level headings are boldfaced.
  3. Third-level headings are similarly styled, but italic
  4. Supply the authorities of all study species on first mention of each species in the text.
  5. The text should be readable, clear, and concise. Paper lacking proper English structure and usage will not be considered for publication and will be returned to the author without review.
  6. Unfamiliar or new terms, as well as abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols, should be defined at first mention.
  7. All tables and figures must be referred to in the text. Literature cited in the text should be listed chronologically.

IV. References: 

  1. Verify all entries against original sources.
  2. List citations in alphabetical order by first author's surname.
  3. The list works by the same author(s) chronologically, beginning with the earliest date of publication. Use "a," "b," etc. for works published by the same author(s) in the same year.
  4. "In press" citations must be accepted for publication and the name of the journal or publisher must be included in References.
  5. Insert a period and space after each initial of an author's name. Capitalize only the first word of the title and proper nouns and adjectives; lowercase start of the subtitle. for non-English titles, capitalize according to the conventions of the language; include all diacritical marks. Write out journal names in full. Leave a space between volume and page numbers. for books, supply the name of the publisher and complete location (city, state, country).

Format as per examples: 

  • AHMED, A.B. 1990. Leaf anatomy. Wiley, New York, New York, USA.
  • SALLAM A.A., M.A. GHOBASHY, E.A. ELKHAWASS, AND A.A. GHOBASHY. 2006. Activity rhythms of barnacles as a behavioral bioindicator of copper pollution in Lake Tirnsah, Suez Canal, Egypt. Catrina 1 (I): 1-8.
  • AHMED, A.B. 1992. Blood Physiology. In J. Sanders and R. Richards (Eds.), Animal Physiology 2: 200-234. Wiley, New York, New Yorls, USA.
  • AHMED, A.B., AND T. MOHAMED. 1995. Precambrian Rocks. Egyptian Journal of Geology 82 (Supplement): 221 (Abstract).
  • AHMED, A.B., T. MOHAMED, AND H. AI.I. In press. Ovule development. Egyptian Journal of Botany.

Internet sources:

Author CH. Title of work being cited (visited/last modified Sept I, 2007)

V. Tables: 

  1. Each table must start on a separate page. Each has a short title describing its contents.
  2. Number tables in Arabic followed by a period.
  3. Each column must have a heading, even the first column.
  4. Each table must be cited in the text.

VI. Figure Legends:

  1. Type legends in paragraph form, starting with a statement of inclusive numbers, e.g., Figs. 7-8. Seeds and seedlings of orchids. 7. At germination. 8. Two weeks after germination. (a) Undissected. (b) Dissected.
  2. Explain all figure abbreviations and symbols. (figure abbreviations: c, cell; etc., with abbreviations in alphabetical order).
  3. Figures must be submitted with high quality as JPEG (.jpg) files to help ensure appropriate resolution and workability.

VI. Illustrations:

Illustrations are black and white halftones (photographs), drawings, or graphs. You must prepare illustrations using professional standards; flaws will Dot be corrected. Failure to provide good-quality illustrations may be grounds for returning a manuscript without review. Each figure on a plate must be numbered, with Arabic numerals, or lettered (avoid using letter-number combinations, e.g., I A). Write author(s) name(s) and figure number(s) on the back of each figure or plate.

VII. Arabic summary:

It should be enclosed with the manuscript in a readable, clear, and concise form.

2. Manuscript submission

Before final acceptance, an electric version of the manuscript must be submitted on a compact disk (CD). The disk should be labeled with the date, the first author's name, and the final name, and accompanied by a printout that matches the appearance of the file.

3. Review process

If the Editor in Chief determines that the subject matter is within the scope of the magazine, and the paper meets a minimum standard, the paper will be sent to one of the editors and sent out for review by two or three referees. The Editor in consultation with the Editor in Chief will determine in what form to accept the paper.

4. Proofs

Proof will be sent to the corresponding author by email, your response with or without corrections should be sent within 72 hours, and minor corrections should be sent as an e-mail attachment to:  /

5. Offprints

For each contribution, a total of 5 offprints will be provided free of charge. further offprint can be purchased.

6. Copyright

Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a 'Journal Publishing Agreement'. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement. Subscribers may reproduce tables of contents or prepare lists of articles including abstracts for internal circulation within their institutions. Permission of the Publisher is required for resale or distribution outside the institution and for all other derivative works, including compilations and translations. If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the article. Catrina has preprinted forms for use by authors in these cases.

7. Article Processing Charges (APC)

Open Journal of Catrina Sciences is an Open Access journal accessible for free on the Internet. At Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP), we guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles in the electronic version of the journal. There is hence no revenue at SCIRP neither from the sale of subscriptions to the electronic version of the journal or from pay-per-view fees. Yet, the online publication process does involve costs including those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, and archiving. To cover these costs, the journal depends on Article Process Charges (henceforth: APC), also called Publication Fees. APC are due when a manuscript has been accepted for publication.

*The author should pay 2000 L.E* 

8. Revenue sources

The Egyptian Society for Environmental Sciences generates the revenue for the smooth functioning and publication of the journal through different means:

  1. Income from holding scientific conferences.
  2. Ecological consultation fees by society for most specified environmental problems in arid lands.
  3. Publication fees paid by the authors.
  4. Financial support from an association or related institution.
  5. Volunteer members of the editorial board.
  6. Community donations.

9. Advertising policy

All advertisements and commercially sponsored publications are independent of editorial decisions. Catrina Journal does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in Catrina journal publications. Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.

10. Direct Marketing

A journal's ability to draw in top-notch contributions is essential to its success. Our publishing teams collaborate closely to raise awareness of and promote the research we publish because of this. In order to enhance the success of our journal and help it reach potential authors and readers, we create data-driven and targeted marketing initiatives. The Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Natural Science works hard to promote the journal and articles to the public while avoiding actions that harm other people (like spamming) and avoiding misrepresenting information between publishers and potential writers.