Geothermal Studies at Gebel El-Maghara Area, North Sinai, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Egyptian Geological Survey, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt

2 Biology and Geology of Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University, Port-Said, Egypt


Geothermal studies were carried out at Gebel El-Maghara area at Wadi El-Safa, Wadi El-Murra, Wadi
El-Rakb, and Wadi El-Massajid, where continuous temperature logs were recorded within 40 coal and
groundwater exploration wells with depths ranging between 60 and 383 m. The obtained geothermal
parameters are; amplitude of surface temperature (A), mean surface temperature (MST), geothermal
gradient (GG), thermal conductivity (K), heat flow (Q), diffusivity (μ), and the regression coefficient
(R2). Regression analysis technique was used to estimate the geothermal gradient and the regression
coefficient, whereas, the thermal conductivity values of the penetrated rock units were used for
estimating the heat flow and diffusivity. Results of the geothermal studies exhibited that, there are three
types of geothermal gradients at Gebel El-Maghara area represented by low, normal, and high geothermal
gradients with values ranging between 25 and 39 ºC/Km. The surface temperatures obtained for the study
area range between 25 and 29 ºC and the heat flow values range between 54-89.7 mWm-². The formation
temperatures of the top of the coal bearing horizon, upper coal seam, and the main coal seam encountered
in the study area were calculated. Relatively high geothermal gradient occurs at Wadi El-Rakb according
to the presence of thick coal deposits and the structure controlling the area.
