Phytochemical Differentiation among Fourteen Cultivars of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Leaves from Al-Sharqia, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alex

2 Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

3 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University, Damanhour , Egypt


The present study was performed to differentiate phytochemically among young leaves of fourteen
mango cultivars (Keitt, Ewais, White Succari, Tommy Atkins, Fajri Kalan, Zebda, Alphonso, Sedeek,
Naomi, Mesk, Baladi Dabsha, Baladi Arnaba, Cobania and Totapuri). The phytochemical screenings of
the fourteen studied cultivars showed that Mesk cultivar contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins,
steroids, tannins, phenolics, glycosides, triterpenoids, amino acids, carbohydrates and reducing sugar
with highly quantity of flavonoids, while Totapuri cultivar did not contain any of them. The other
cultivars were in between presence of some compounds and absence of the others. In addition,
mangiferin (mg/Kg) attained a value ranged from a minimum of about 11.5 in Baladi Dabsha cultivar to a
maximum of about 1021 in Mesk cultivar. With respect to total Quercetin (mg/kg) it ranged from a
minimum (zero or not detected value) in Cobania and Totapuri cultivars and a maximum of about 11.3 in
Mesk cultivar. With respect to Tannins (mg/g) a minimum of about 11.3 and a maximum of about 153
was achieved by Baladi Dabsha Cultivar and Mesk cultivars, respectively. The dendrogram based on
using phytochemical data ascertains three aggregations. The first assembly includes Sedeek, Naomi and
Mesk cultivars. The second gathers Keitt and Ewais while the third cluster comprises Fajri Kalan, Zebda
and Alphonso cultivars.
